2017, Number 5
Assessment of the nutritional status of the institutionalized elderly in the Residential Home for old people in Pinar del Río
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 643-651
PDF size: 367.05 Kb.
Introduction: impaired nutritional status is an important risk factor for morbidity and mortality in the elderly, which should clearly show the way to the recognition of risk factors for malnutrition in institutionalized old people, allowing the assessment of the risk of malnutrition in order to facilitate an early nutritional intervention.Objective: to assess the nutritional status of the institutionalized elderly at Carlos Castellanos Blanco residential home for the elderly in Pinar del Río, 2016.
Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out. The target group was constituted by the 282 elderly of this social institution in Pinar del Río who were institutionalized during that period. The sample included 201 elderly people who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria established in the research.
Results: according to body mass index and gender, the majority (61%) were between 21-23 kg/m2of body surface, the circumference of the arm according to gender shows that 54.7 % of elderly people were between the normal limits (21-22), 34.8 % were women, calf circumference showed that in 77.1 % it is ‹ 31, with a higher number of elderly men (43.2%). There was a discrete predominance of well-nourished elderly men with 38.2% over those at risk of malnutrition (36.3%), with no significant differences regarding genders.
Conclusions: the elderly institutionalized in the residential home during 2016 were assessed as well-nourished in 2016.
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