2017, Number 3
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Alerg Asma Inmunol Pediatr 2017; 26 (3)
Methodology for the construction of health measurement instruments
Cruz-Avelar A, Cruz-Peralta ES
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 100-105
PDF size: 172.45 Kb.
Introduction: Measuring instruments such as scales, indices and questionnaires are used to qualify or quantify attributes, qualities, properties or constructs (completely theoretical concepts), which is impossible to measure or quantify otherwise.
Preparation: Before proceeding to measure something, we must define clearly and precisely what we want to measure, this is to define the construct. The objective of the measurement of the construct must be made explicit, answering the question: what do we want to measure it for? And the next question, in whom do we want to measure it?
Elaboration of the instrument: With respect to the role to be played by the instrument, specific methodological considerations will be required. For the elaboration of the first draft, the indicators that the scientific evidence endorses as representatives of the construct are identified.
Procedures for determining reliability and validity: Internal consistency, test-retest, inter-rater variability. Face validity, content, construct and criteria.
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