2017, Number 2
Metabolic syndrome, a public health problem with different definitions and criteria
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 7-24
PDF size: 298.38 Kb.
Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is a pathology that affects individuals from all countries, from all continents and from all economic strata. Overweight and obesity are strongly associated with the MS and generate direct stratospheric costs for people who suffer from it, for society and for the government due to its impact on adjusted life years of the disability and the costs of their care and treatment. Objective: To characterize the SM as a public health problem associated with central obesity, metabolic nature, that requires agreements regarding its definition in order to make comparisons on prevalence in local and international areas. Materials and methods: Considering the criteria, definition and history was searched in the database, indexed journals and specialized sites. Results. The preliminary search for a total of 189 potentially eligible articles, of which only include a systematic review and 19 articles. Conclusions, The MS has multiple origins but obesity and sedentary lifestyle combined with an unbalanced diet - in addition to genetic factors - clearly interact to occur, so it constitutes a serious public health problem given their criteria of magnitude, transcendence and vulnerability that in order to make comparisons at the national and international levels requires agreements for the adoption of a definition and diagnostic criteria.REFERENCES
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