2018, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2018; 29 (1)
Excess weight and malignancy of breast tumors in Yucatan women
Cardona-Sosa MP, Estrella-Castillo DF, Rubio-Zapata HA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 5-11
PDF size: 298.95 Kb.
Introduction. Obesity, overweight and carcinogenesis are of
multifactorial origin and result of chronic processes where the
environment and genetics play a fundamental role. So its magnitude
has regional, national and international variations. In Yucatan the
prevalence of obesity is very high, so that its implication in cancer
could be higher than in other populations.
Material and methods. Case-control study, Probabilistic sample of
400 women aged 20 to 65 attended at the ISSSTE regional hospital
in Merida, Yucatan in 2013-2014; The cases: 200 women with
histopathological diagnosis of breast tumor and controls: 200 women
without mastopathy, matched by age. Excess weight BMI› 25. Chi
ANOVA, t-Student and difference in proportions.
Results. 64% of the mammary tumors were of the malignant type and
36% of the benign type. 91.5% of women with malignant tumors, 65%
of women with benign tumors, and 59% of women without breast
tumors were overweight or obesity. Excess weight was associated with
malignant tumors, OR 5.65 (95% CI 2.57-12.4, p ‹0.001). The most
prevalent neoplasms were ductal (65%) and lobular (19%) carcinomas.
Conclusions. Excess weight is associated with the presence of breast
tumors especially of malignant type in Yucatecan women, so that
weight control in women with risk factors for breast cancer may be a
preventive factor for the process of carcinogenesis.
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