2017, Number 2
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Sal Jal 2017; 4 (2)
Sensibilidad antimicrobiana de cepas de Streptococcus pneumoniae, período 2012-2015 en niños menores de 6 años que cursaron con neumonia
de la Osa-Busto M, Reyes-Hernández KL, Reyes-Gómez U, Perea-Martínez A, Luévanos-Velázquez A, Hernández-Lira I, Sandoval-García MS, Zempoalteca-Sánchez E, Saavedra-Cabrera SL, Avila-Correa A
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 128-134
PDF size: 338.43 Kb.
streptococci pneumonia or pneumococci still been a
most frequent cause of child infection, most of all acquired
pneumonia in the community
Objetive: Know the
antimicrobial sensitivity in children that go to an hospital
of second level of attention.
Material and methods:
qualitative, quantitative, prospective, comparative study
to antimicrobials of solitude of strains obtain in the period
of January 1, 2012 to January 31, 2015.
Results: in the
analysis of 47 strains of SP from them 27(57.44%) women
and 20(42.56%) men. Analyzing the ages it observe more
incidents in child of 0 days to 11 months 17(36.17%); 1
year to 1 year 11 months 17(36.17%); From the strains
obtained, sensitive to Ciprofl oxacin 47(100%), Penicillin
43 (91.48%), Cefaloticin 42 (89.36%), Cefazolinicin
40 (85.10%), Amoxicillin 38 (80.85%), Oxacilinicin 37
(78.72%), Tetracycline’s 37 (78.72%), Rifampicin 34
(72.34%), Clindamycin 31 (65.95%) the intermedian
was Norfloxacin 26 (55.31 %), Ampicillin 25 (53.19 %)
y Erythromycin 24 (51.06%). Present high resistance
to Impanel 36 (76.59%), Nitrofuroantoin 36 (76.59%) y
Gentamicin 28 (59.57%).
Conclusion: The pneumococci
in our medium has a high sensitivity to Ciprofloxacin,
penicillin, cefalotin, cefazolin, amoxicillin, and a low
sensitivity to gentamicin and intermediate to Ampicillin
and Erythromycin
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