2017, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2017; 8 (2)
primary caretaker characteristic social demographics of patient post vascular accident encephalic, Kazenga, 2014
Silas SA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 2-10
PDF size: 485.67 Kb.
Introduction: The family is the first group to which the human being belongs. In their breast stays the health, takes place and it unchains the illness, takes place the cure process, the rehabilitation and, in many cases, the death.
Objective: to describe the social-demographic characteristics of the primary caretaker of patient post Vascular Accident Encefálico and some clinical characteristics of the patients that they assisted.
Methodology: I study descriptive in a sample of 97 primary caretakers of patient post Vascular Accident Encefálico and some clinical characteristics of the 97 patients that assisted in the municipality Cazenga, county of Luanda in the year 2014. Questionnaires are applied caretakers and patient, indistinctly.
Results: among the primary caretakers 76, 2% was of the feminine sex, 72,1% of the caretakers and 53,6% of the patients they don't possess any instruction type, 37,1% of the caretakers doesn't have any affective bond, neither relationship with its patients, and 49,4% of the patients has a total dependence of its caretakers for the realization of its daily activities.
Conclusions: the caretakers were, in general, women, descendant, or other relatives, with a low level of instruction in a general way that carry out the care of patient with total or partial dependence in their immense majority.
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