2017, Number 4
Implications of the demographic changes in the blood availability in the health care system of Cienfuegos province
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 512-524
PDF size: 166.22 Kb.
Introduction: The current demographic changes put the blood transfusion services under strain due to the imbalance that they may cause between the blood supply for and the blood demand from the health systems.Objectives: To determine the social and demographic characteristics, and the patterns of blood donations that may influence in the blood availability for health care services in Cienfuegos province.
Methods: Observational and descriptive study conducted with all the people who donated whole blood in any fixed or temporary blood facility in Cienfuegos province from 2010 to 2014. Documentary review techniques were used and rates and indicators were calculated.
Results: The number of donations, of donors and of inhabitants of both sexes showed a gradual decline. The annual donation rate per 1000 inhabitants revealed a downward tendency whereas the rate of donations per donor increased throughout the years. The level of involvement of women as well as young people and older adults in blood donation was very low.
Conclusions: With the current decreasing tendency in blood donations and with no strategies in place to encourage the incorporation of young male and female people to this activity, and to keep and to incorporate older adults in good health as active donors, it is very likely that current and predicted demographic changes will have an impact on blood supplies in Cienfuegos province.
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