2017, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Reu 2017; 19 (2)
Joint replacement surgeries in young patients
Pimienta CI, González RY, Díaz AMT, Rodríguez MY, Rodríguez DR
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 79-86
PDF size: 180.01 Kb.
In the past many specialists were reluctant to indicate joint replacement in young patients for fear of condemning them to multiple revisions for the rest of their lives. With current technology, replacement prostheses, whose selection adjusts to functional demands associated with the patient's age, are an alternative for young and active patients.
Objective: to reflect on the current behavior of joint replacement surgery in the young patient.
Development: information material was delimited, semantic and citation patterns were studied in order to determine the main lines of research developed in the world for the study of the subject, selectivity criteria were applied which favored the research team to focus on the relevant documents. The documentation was systematically organized, and the qualitative analysis of the information was then developed in the most significant thematic groups. Once the main documents were identified, an analysis of co-citation of authors and co-occurrence was carried out. Finally, from a quantitative point of view, we summarized aspects such as number of documents per year, documents, citations by author, documents and research carried out by country, among others. Given that of the 66 initial documents, 40 were identified as of greater interest. These, in turn, were filtered and read in greater detail, selecting 35 of real relevance for the investigation. After completing the detailed reading, 2 items were finally discarded and 31 papers, a book and a master's thesis were chosen, from which the state of the art on the subject was elaborated.
Conclusions: although arthritis usually affects older patients, in recent decades the current behavior of joint replacement surgery in the young patient has undergone transformations. There is a rapidly growing population of "young" patients experiencing debilitating symptoms of the disease. The expectations of these younger patients and the challenges to optimize health care are often overlooked. However, it sometimes involves replacement surgery. This is associated with a set of elements ranging from the selection of the implant, the surface of support and the surgical technique that can affect the success and longevity of the replacement.
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