2016, Number 3
Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2016; 32 (3)
Preparedness of Basic Health Teams to Tackle Gender-Based Violence
Guevara DEL, Ferrer LDM, Prada MA, Fernández CE
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 209.21 Kb.
Introduction: Gender-based violence is showed in everyday life as a serious health problem. Its impact is sometimes irreparable on the individual and collective level. Local research advices about the insufficient preparation of Basic Health Teams to tackle this problem.Objective: Characterize the preparation of basic health teams on gender-based violence in the Basic Group of Work at Polyclinic No. 3 in Santa Clara.
Methods: From mixed research approach, a predominantly quantitative concurrent design was used for a study with descriptive scope. The sample was composed of 45 doctors and nurses. Two method were used: the theoretical- historical logical method and the analytic-synthetic method. Interviews and questionnaires were used. The results were analyzed using the SPSS and content analysis.
Results: Over 60% of health personnel studied had no information on providing care to this problem, the course to be followed in cases detected nor the existence of methodologies for their approach.
Conclusions: Preparation on gender violence was low in cognitive and procedural dimensions and less insufficient in the axiological dimension, as these professionals identified with the existence and degree of involvement that this problem causes health. The need for training on the subject was recognized as well as the need of including this subject in the medical studies, and post grade actions.
Rodríguez-Bolaños RA, Márquez-Serrano M, Kageyama-Escobar ML. Violencia de género: actitud y conocimiento del personal de salud de Nicaragua. Salud pública Méx. 2005 [citado 7 Abr 2016];47(2):134-44. Disponible en: http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0036- 36342005000200007&lng=es