2017, Number 2
Detection of symptomatic respiratory in Havana of January to April of 2016 using a sampling aggregate
Gómez MF, Ruiz PAM, Gonzáles OE, Soca GEB
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 144-150
PDF size: 243.81 Kb.
At the present time Tuberculosis (TB) is an illness manteining worldwide level high mortality and morbility and the principal weapon for his control is the fast detection and the cure of infectious cases.1 In Cuba its rate of incidence locates tuberculosis within the countries with bigger possibility of elimination2 for what is necessary to emphasize in the identification and study of the Symptomatic Respiratory the patients with 21 days and more (SR+21) because they classify in some Vulnerable Group (GV). He work we did shows that the apoplication of Conglomerate sampling method is useful in this kind of research. Half of the patients classified as SR+21 were GV, highlighting third age patients. Our country has rate of hushed incidence with possibilities of elimination of illness2 from there whatever is needed to do emphasis in the identification and study of the Symptomatic Respiratory of 21 days and more (SR+ 21) that they classify in some Vulnerable Group (GV).