2017, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2017; 22 (1)
Phytochemical screening of Baccharis latifolia (R&P.) Pers. (chilca)
Loja HB, Alvarado YÁ, Salazar GA, Ramos YE, Jurado B
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 102.92 Kb.
Introduction: Baccharis latifolia (R.&P.) Pers. (chilca) is a wild species that grows
on riverbanks. The species is abundant in Peru, where it grows between 1 000 and
4 000 m. It is a shrubby dioicous plant 1 to 2 m in height. The stem is cylindrical
and longitudinally striated; the leaves are simple, alternate and petiolated, with
ovate-lanceolate blades; capitula in corymbous tips and cylindrical achenes.
Objective: Identify secondary metabolites of medicinal interest in leaves of B.
Methods: Collection of the botanical material was based on the Cerrate and
Ramagosa et al methods. Phytochemical screening followed Olga Lock's method.
For colorimetry, presence of the metabolite was qualitatively classed as "+++"
(abundant), "++" (moderate), "+" (mild) or "-" (absent). Presence of the following
metabolites was evaluated: alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, carbohydrates, amino
acids and lipids.
Results: Phenols were found to be abundant (+++) in all extracts, except for the
extract with n-hexane solvent. Flavonoids (+++) and alkaloids (+++) were present
in the acidulated extract. Carbohydrates were found in all extracts except for the
extract with n-hexane. Amino acids and lipids were not found.
Conclusions: Leaves of B. latifolia contain abundant phenolic compounds in the
ethanolic, chloroformic and acidulated extracts, but they are absent in the n-hexane
extract. Alkaloids were abundant in the acidulated extract of B. latifolia. Extracts of
leaves of B. latifolia do not contain amino acids or lipids.
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