2017, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2017; 55 (6)
Work accidents associated with the discouragement of SERUMS physicians to work in the primary care services of Lima, Peru
Mejia CR, Valladares-Garrido MJ, Romero BM, Valladares-Garrido D, Linares-Reyes E
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 686-691
PDF size: 298.42 Kb.
Background: Employee retention is an important issue, because professionals
are required in primary care services (PCS). The objective
was to determine whether accidents were associated with the discouragement
of physicians to work in PCS in Lima, Peru.
Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study of secondary data from a database
generated from a survey of physicians who performed his Rural and
Urban Health Care Service (Servicio Rural y Urbano-Marginal en Salud:
SERUMS). We only included physicians who said at the beginning of their
SERUMS that they could work in PCS in Lima. Those who completed
their service and reported that they no longer wished to work in Lima were
defined as
change of intention to work in PCS. This was associated with
having a work accident and was adjusted with other variables.
Results: Out of 124 physicians, 63% (78) were men. Median age was
26 years (interquartile range: 25-27 years). After they completed their
SERUMS, 12% (15) said they changed their mind and that they wished to
work in Lima. In the multivariate analysis, having had an accident diminished
the frequency of changing their mind of working in the PCS (aPR:
0.28, 95% CI: 0.14-0.54,
p ‹ 0.001), adjusted for eight variables.
Conclusions: A previous study found that work accidents decreased
the frequency outside Lima, but our study states the opposite, probably
because of the perception that a job in the capital would allow them to be
closer to services; to be cared for in case of any emergency.
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