2017, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2017; 28 (2)
Cutoff value of the waist-to-height ratio as independent predictor of dysglycemia
Hernández RJ, Duchi JPN, Domínguez AE, Díaz DO, Martínez MI, Bosch PY, del Busto A, Rodríguez FL, García EDM
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 172.15 Kb.
Introduction: the waist-to-height ratio is a useful clinical indicator to identify
impaired metabolism of carbohydrates.
Objective: to determine the cutoff value of the waist-to-height ratio as an
independent predictor of dysglycemias, its usefulness and association with other
risk variables.
Methods: descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted in 523 women and in
452 men. They were questioned, physically examined and performed
supplementary studies. The statistical processing determined the frequency
distributions in qualitative and quantitative variables. Pearson´s correlation
coefficient, analysis of Receiver Operator Characteristic curves as well as logistic
regression analysis were all applied, in addition to chi-square test for evaluation of
the statistical significance.
Results: in both sexes, the study found a directly proportional correlation between
the waist-to-height ratio and the variables called fasting glycemia and glycemia at 2
hours, fasting insulinemia, cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid values and insulinresistance
index, with statistical significance. The waist-to-height index exhibited
the highest predictive power for dysglycemia when compared to other variables
such as cholesterol and insulin-resistance index in both sexes, with a cutoff value of
0.50 in women and 0.49 in men.
Conclusions: the optimal cutoff value of the waist-to-height ratio, as an
independent predictor of dysglycemias, was 0.50 in women and 0.49 in men. There
was direct proportional correlation between this ratio and the analyzed risk
variables. It was a better predictor than cholesterol and the insulin-resistance
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