2017, Number 3
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2017; 84 (3)
Cognitive-behavioral intervention in a case of atypical neuralgia
Gómez-Zarco A, Tron-Álvarez R, Becerra-Gálvez AL
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 170-176
PDF size: 171.63 Kb.
Chronic pain is a sensory experience that is mediated by various emotional, cognitive, family and cultural factors, so that psychological assessment and treatment are fundamental in comprehensive patient care. The present case aims to illustrate the importance of the work done with this type of patients from behavioral medicine and the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques in reducing the perception of pain, anxiety and depression associated with thoughts of uselessness and guilt of a female patient of 40 years with diagnosis of atypical neuralgia. For the psychological treatment plan, cognitive conceptualization was used due to the fact that the source of the emotional distress related to her pain was found in the kind of automatic thoughts derived from interactions of couple and relatives. The intervention was performed in eight fortnightly sessions of an hour approximately within the Service of Pain Clinic and Palliative Care of the Hospital Juárez de México. Pain measurements were taken using the visual analogue scale (VAS), as well as anxiety and depression levels with the use of analogous subjective units (ASU). The results obtained after the implementation of techniques of relaxation, modification of cognitions and solution of problems, show a decrease in emotional distress and in the perception of pain. Cognitive-behavioral techniques are tools that allow the patient to adapt to the pain condition due to atypical neuralgia.
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