2017, Number 2
Metabolic syndrome, a challenge for Cuban public health
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 86-95
PDF size: 128.94 Kb.
Introduction: the correct diagnosis of patients with metabolic syndrome allows the evaluation of their risks of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The increase in the number of publications on this syndrome demonstrates the importance that is given in medical practice to its diagnosis and theoretical knowledge.Objectives: to present some aspects of the metabolic syndrome (its history, definition, diagnosis, pathophysiology and epidemiology).
Method: the national and international bibliography available on the Internet was reviewed, fundamentally of the last five years and, because of its importance, some works of previous years were included published in Latin America, the United States, Spain and Portugal. A structured article was produced from the information compiled.
Development: the metabolic syndrome is characterized by the simultaneous or staggered presence of several alterations, such as insulin resistance, compensatory hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance or type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, abdominal obesity, hyperuricemia and atherogenic dyslipidemia.
Conclusions: the lack of studies on this syndrome in the country, and consequently, the lack of protocols and guidelines of action are indications of a deficient attention to the subject by specialists and researchers. It should be taken into account the importance that abdominal obesity and insulin resistance have in the development of this syndrome –which in turn is a risk factor for other serious diseases– and therefore, the need for a comprehensive and multidisciplinary strategy for its treatment.
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