2017, Number 4
Nursing staff knowledge concerning prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 245-256
PDF size: 351.52 Kb.
Introduction: The presence of pressure ulcers (PU) in hospitalized patients is evaluated as an indicator of quality in nursing care. Several studies have established that the level of knowledge, academic level and attitude of the staff influences the appearance of these wounds that increase the costs of the health system.Objective: To determine the level of knowledge of nursing staff in prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers.
Methods: descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study. A non-probability random sample of 102 nurses of five services was obtained at a public hospital in Aguascalientes, Mexico. The ReAc- PUKT instrument (of false/true dichotomous structure) was applied based on recommendations and evidences from the Mexican practice guideline (alpha = 0.73).
Results: 62.7% of nursing staff were female, 70.4% had basic training in nursing. The overall score in the assessment of knowledge was 60.4%. By category, 56% was obtained in general, 63% in prevention and 62.2% in treatment. The higher degree of studies implies a higher knowledge on pressure ulcers (r = 0.238, p = 0.008).
Conclusions: The level of knowledge was insufficient. There is a noticeable lack of updating on the subject. The results obtained are relevant to implement courses of updating and improvements in the protocols for hospital care by assessing the decrease in the incidence of PU.
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