2017, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (6)
Analysis of foods advertised to childhood audience on chilean television
González-Hidalgo C
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 691-700
PDF size: 257.43 Kb.
Objective. To examine food advertising aimed at childhood’s
audience broadcast on Chilean television.
Materials and
methods. Cross-sectional study. Food advertising broadcast
by 4 open signal TV channels was recorded for 12 hours
daily on twelve days randomly selected. Notices were classified
according to food groups and level of processing. The
frequency of food advertisement aimed to childhood audience
was compared with those for adults. Nutrient profile
of foods advertised was described.
Results. In 144 hours
of recording appeared 530 food advertisement; 53.2% were
aimed to childhood audience. The most advertised foods
were sugary dairy (28.4%), sweetened beverages (25.5%),
and sweetened cereals (17.7%). Of the foods advertised to
childhood audience, 75% exceeds the criterion for free sugars.
Conclusions. Chilean television advertises ultra-processed
foods that exceed the limits of free sugars.
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