2017, Number 4
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Acta Med Cent 2017; 11 (4)
Habilidades clínicas en la historia de la Medicina
Pérez BE, Díaz LN
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 81-84
PDF size: 107.49 Kb.
Clinical skills are specific skills that ensure the professional performance of the doctor. In the history of medicine men stood out for their contributions to the development of them. René Théophile Hyacinthe Laënnec inventor of the stethoscope and father of modern pneumology, Joseph Leopold Auenbrugger creator of the technique of thoracic percussion and Thomas Sydenham considered the English Hippocrates by the importance granted to the observation. In addition Armand Trosseau was distinguished by the description of multiple signs, syndromes and diseases and Sir Willaim Osler, father of modern medicine, who praised the teaching of medicine and the clinical skills beside the bed of the patient.
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