2017, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2017; 19 (4)
A Proposal of an Instrument for the Bioethical Self-evaluation of Research Projects in Medicine
Irigoyen CA
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 121-131
PDF size: 516.10 Kb.
Objective: To design an instrument for the bioethical self-evaluation of research projects in medicine (BSPI).
Methods: Qualitative research of the Research-Action type. The project was planned in three phases: first (Bibliohemerographical research with respect to the state of the art regarding the ethics of research in medical residences, second (design and construction of the BSPI), third (application and analysis with the Delphi Technique - DT-).
Results: Fourteen experts from various specialties and from six countries were identified. A question was asked: Do you consider that the instrument is complete (enough) to evaluate a research project before being submitted to the analysis of a Bioethics Committee? They answered the first round of the DT, 13 experts of them 12 answered affirmatively and one of them did it in a negative way. The affirmative response rate was 99.88%. Each and every one of the observations was integrated into the preliminary version of the BSPI. It was not considered necessary to conduct a second round of the DT due to having reached the saturation level of the interview.
Conclusions: the current proposal aims to be an easy-to-use instrument that does not exhaust the universe of bioethical analysis that involves medical research. It is considered that it will provide the resident of the various medical disciplines with an overview of bioethical elements that may have been overlooked during the design of the specialty thesis.
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