2016, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2016; 21 (4)
Inhibitory effect of Persea cordata Mez. (pau-andrade) bark extracts against Clostridium perfringens causing gangrenous mastitis
Schlemper V, de Mello SSR, Sousa MDM
Language: English
References: 56
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 172.27 Kb.
Introduction: Gangrenous mastitis is a special clinical presentation of mastitis in
cattle and small ruminants. The bark of the tree Persea cordata Mez. is used in
Brazilian ethnoveterinary medicine to treat wounds in farm animals.
Objectives: Examine in vitro antimicrobial action of apolar fractions of P. cordata
bark against a wild strain of C. perfringens isolated from the udder of a cow with
gangrenous mastitis, and against a reference strain.
Methods: A milk sample was collected from the udder, aliquots were diluted and
Gram-stained smears were performed. The aliquots were inoculated in broth and
planted in blood agar, and then incubated in anaerobiosis at 37oC / 24h. Biochemical
identification was based on bacterial isolation. In vitro inhibitory activity of apolar
fractions of P. cordata was evaluated by agar diffusion and MIC (minimum inhibitory
concentration) using the agar dilution method.
Results: In both tests the plant extracts displayed significant in vitro inhibitory
activity against the clinical and reference strains of C. perfringens assayed.
Conclusion: The study is the first demonstration of the inhibitory effect of P. cordata
on C. perfringens, due to its antimicrobial properties, which serves as evidence
supporting its folk use. The extracts could be used as coadjuvants in the treatment of
gangrenous mastitis.
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