2016, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2016; 21 (4)
Adjustment of models and effective diffusivity in the drying of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. leaves
Marques VV, Resende O, Ferreira VBJ, Alves MW, Abadia SL, Zenid VZ
Language: Portugués
References: 27
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 169.49 Kb.
Introduction: The species
Azadirachta indica A. Juss, commonly known as Indian
neen, is broadly used in medicine, agriculture and the cosmetic industry, mainly in
the form of dehydrated leaves. Due to the importance of this species, specific
knowledge is required for its preprocessing.
Objective: Determine the drying curve, adjust non-linear models to the data, and
estimate the effective diffusivity and activation energy coefficient during the drying of
A. indica leaves at different temperatures.
Methods: Leaves from the study species were dried at different temperatures with
four replications in the fixed layer dryer. Twelve models were used to test the
behavior of the drying kinetics. These were selected from among those providing
better functional responses, bearing in mind the magnitude of the determination
chi-square, relative mean error and typical deviation. Additionally, data
were adjusted to the liquid diffusion mathematical model with the analytical solution
for the infinite plane plate with an approximation of 8 terms. The charts were
developed by Sigma Plot.
Results: A satisfactory adjustment was achieved for the models Verma, Newton,
Midilli, logarithmic, and diffusion approximation, but the Newton model was chosen,
due to the simplicity of its application. It was found that as temperature increases,
there is a decrease in drying time and an increase in water transport intensity.
Conclusions: Activation energy was 27.77 kJ mol-1. The Newton model may be used
to describe the drying kinetics of A. indica leaves. Activation energy was within the
scope established for agricultural products.
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