2017, Number 4
Curricular strategy of Herbal and folk Medicine: its implementation in Comprehensive General Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 33-48
PDF size: 132.63 Kb.
Background: in the curriculum of the Medicine career, Herbal and Folk Medicine responds to a social commitment of the university with the aim of contributing to the integration of knowledge.Objective: to design a curricular strategy that allows the integration of Herbal and Folk Medicine in the discipline Comprehensive General Medicine for its implementation.
Methods: a documentary study was carried out at the "Enrique Cabrera" Faculty of Medical Sciences from 2011 to 2016. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical and analysis-synthesis; and empirical studies: documentary analysis of the programs of the subjects of the Comprehensive General Medicine discipline, the curriculum of the Medicine career, and documents related to curricular strategies.
Results: shortcomings were found in the revised documents about the application of the curricular strategy of Herbal and Folk Medicine in the Comprehensive General Medicine discipline, which were asserted by key informants, who proposed the contents that could be included in the proposal designed.
Conclusions: the strategy was considered by the specialists as pertinent, integrative and with a feasible and flexible methodological structure.
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