2017, Number 2
Orientación nutricional sobre el consumo adecuado de bebidas en escolares
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 19-27
PDF size: 257.95 Kb.
Introduction: The main types of drinks that contribute the major energy supply in schoolchildren are sugary drinks, however, their intake is higher than recommended and without taking in count the one of the simple water at day. These habits may contribute to weight gain and to chronic diseases. Objective: Perform a plan of a nutritional orientation on the consumption of beverages in elementary school students. Methods: Descriptive study with 56 primary school children. It was performed in three phases, first anthropometry was performed, the knowledge and frequency of consumption of drinks were determined, then five sessions of nutritional orientation and finally the first phase was reevaluated; descriptive statistics were used, SPSS v 21 was used for processing. Results: 56 children in the study, 51.8% were women, 48.2% were men, with a mean age of 8.1 years SD. 0.908, 25% passed the knowledge questionnaire prior to the sessions, 57% ingest natural water, the rest were sugary drinks, which consumed up to more than 5 times a week; After nutritional counseling, 32% increased knowledge (p= 0.007), 76.5% ingest natural water. Discussion: It shows a positive performance of nutritional orientation, increased knowledge, however, due to the environmental influence on eating habits towards schoolchildren did not find an outstanding decrease in sweetened beverages. It is suggested to carry out an intervention together with the parents in a larger period and a bigger sample for increase effectiveness.REFERENCES
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