2017, Number 3
Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2017; 45 (3)
Daphne syndrome in epilepsy surgery
de Font-Réaulx RE, Santos FJ, López LR, Díaz LLG, Shkurovich BP, Collado CMÁ, Collado OMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 2
Page: 111-114
PDF size: 315.58 Kb.
Daphne is a beautiful nymph in Greek mythology. Eros shot her with a lead arrow at her heart. As a result, she always refused the constant loving courtship of Apollo. Never accepted him or any other lover and kept her body intact forever. This decision caused to lost her beauty and her own humanity, thus to keep unaltered, she became a tree. Daphne syndrome consists of refusal to accept a medical or surgical treatment for patients not to alter their body. This decision is not directly based on the implicit risk of the proposed treatment and also assesses the benefit it could bring to their health. On the other hand, one of the most stigmatized diseases throughout the history of mankind, is epilepsy regardless its etiology and prognosis. Epilepsy surgery is possibly the most underutilized treatment, not only neurological practice, but in the medical practice in general.REFERENCES