2017, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2017; 43 (3)
Use and abuse of the term risk perception
Martínez CS
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 99.76 Kb.
It is well known that the term risk is one of the fundamental concepts in
epidemiology, although the repeated mention of the term maybe has prevented to
give the importance it deserves. In this sense, the objective of this comment is the
use and mainly the abuse of the term
¨risk perception¨, whose discursive lack is
often attributed to the Cuban population, without specifying either the population
group of reference or the non-perceived risk. The author´s pretension was not to
exhaust the topic since concepts, approaches and critical reviews are just summarized, but rather to encourage replies that enrich the culture of debate. It is
concluded that for considering this perception low or absent in our population, it is
indispensable to have rigorous studies-based evidence that proves the lack of risk
perception in our Cuban educated population, and to duly inform citizens, without
alerts or fears, through convincing elements that allow them to know and to
adequately face the risks.
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