2017, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Reu 2017; 19 (1)
Rheumatic polymyalgia. A review of diagnostic criteria
Gordon ZEJ, Aucay VMC, Alcívar CF
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 15-20
PDF size: 65.22 Kb.
A long period has been described between the onset of symptoms and the definitive diagnosis of PMR, which causes difficulties ranging from delayed periods of clinical observation to underdiagnosis, adding to this the phenomenon of self-medication of patients, which is related to delays in treatment and increased costs.
Objective: to review the diagnostic criteria in use as a starting point for a broader reflection on the usefulness of establishing, in addition, reliable classification criteria that allow timely approximations to the diagnosis of rheumatic polymyalgia.
Development: in the period 2015-2016, previously determining the documentary, temporal -1979-2016- and thematic coverage, a systematic search was made selecting as sources of information: Medline, PubMed, Cochrane and Mesh PubMed UptoDate. We used the terms "diagnostic criteria" and "polymyalgia rheumatica", with this search strategy between 30 and 60 documents were retrieved, and from this subset we worked only with those referring to specific diagnostic criteria of rheumatic polymyalgia. The search was limited to scientific articles, publications and manuals written in the Spanish and English languages.
Conclusions: one of the most challenging diagnostic difficulties in clinical practice is that of rheumatic polymyalgia, even up to the risk of underdiagnosis. Hence the need to make the Latin American medical community aware of the existence of several diagnostic criteria in use, which generally have common points and consist of major categories such as age, type and location of pain, rate of globular sedimentation results, and more recently imaging criteria have been added. The literature review has shown that the most widespread diagnostic criteria are those established by Bird and Wood (1979), Jones and Hazleman (1981), Chuang et al. (1982) and Healey (1984).
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