2018, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2018; 8 (1)
Reproduction and mortality of breeds cattle in subtropical climate of Argentina
Verdoljak J, Pereira M, Gándara L, Acosta F, Fernández-López C, Martínez-González J
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 28-35
PDF size: 519.39 Kb.
Tropical environmental climate causes low reproductive rates in cattle, so the objective of the present study
was to evaluate the possible effects of the climate on the reduction of the rates of bovine reproduction. The
work was carried out in the Experimental Agriculture Station (EAS) in Corrientes, Argentina, where, 3,082
bovine herd records data were analyzed from 1991 to 2009, three breeds, Hereford (HR), Braford (BF) and
Brahman (BH). It was evaluated the percentage of losses from the diagnosis of gestation until the delivery
(DP) and from the delivery until the weaning to the 205 d (PD). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance
in a completely randomized design and with an analysis of correlation. The greater losses (P ‹ 0.05) were
observed during the period of gestation for them cows BH and BF, the humidity relative not presented
difference (P
› 0.05) between DP and PD. There was a correlation between the humidity and the radiation
with the cows that were not in gestation (HR and BF), the cows BH not presented any relation.
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