2017, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2017; 43 (1)
Intensity and evolution of the climacteric syndrome and its relation with atherosclerosis risk factors
Lugones BMÁ, Navarro DD, Fernández Britto-Rodríguez JE, Bacallao GJ
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 185.10 Kb.
Introduction: The study of climacteric and menopause has great importance and
validity due to its associated morbidity.
Objective: Determine the presence of atherosclerotic risk factors with the intensity
and evolution of the climacteric syndrome in this group.
Methods: A prospective and interventional study was carried out in women aged
40 to 59 years with climacteric syndrome who received hormone therapy - previous
informed consent. The evolutionary response was observed.
Results: The variables studied (overweight, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking
habits, waist circumference, arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus),
these women gender overload were related to the presence and unfavorable
evolution of the climacteric syndrome. Obesity and overweight are the most
influential on this syndrome evolution. The other major variable was smoking. In
order of importance, sedentary followed.
Conclusions: The atherosclerosis risk factors studied were associated with a more
intense climacteric syndrome and with an unfavorable evolution of them, which is
the scientific contribution of this research. Increased waist circumference, high
body mass index and smoking habits were the most important risk factors for the
unfavorable evolution of this syndrome.
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