2017, Number 4
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Rev Odont Mex 2017; 21 (4)
Fascia lata as an alternative in dental treatments
Hernández JAK, Yáñez OBR, Esquivel CCA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 273-279
PDF size: 241.84 Kb.
Introduction: Fascia lata is the most extreme section of the thigh’s aponeurosis. It is a thick and resistant membrane possessing elasticity, flexibility and memory. It is presently used in the medical world to treat abdominal defects, urinary incontinence, and palpebral ptosis. In dentistry it is used in guided tissue regeneration, root coverage, ridge increase and socket (alveolus) preservation.
Method: An electronic search was conducted in the following databases: Medline, PubMed and SciELO, with the term fascia lata. Full texts in English and Spanish were included in timeline spanning from 1983 to 2015. Main characteristic selected for these texts was they explored use of fascia lata and medical and dental areas.
Discussion: Limiting situations arose during the execution of this project due to the scarcity found in articles and research papers and documented clinical cases targeting use of fascia lata ion dental areas.
Conclusions: Fascia lata is a resorbable, biocompatible material, well tolerated by the recipient bed; when used in medical and dental specialties it exhibits characteristics of accuracy (security) and long duration.
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