2017, Number 5
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2017; 18 (5)
Autism spectrum disorder review: diagnosis and treatment update
Vázquez-Villagrán LL, Moo-Rivas CD, Meléndez- Bautista E, Magriñá-Lizama JS, Méndez-Domínguez NI
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 31-45
PDF size: 551.60 Kb.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is considered a multifactorial etiology
during child’s neurodevelopmental process covering the following
clinical groups including: a) autistic disorder b) Rett´s Syndrome c)
childhood disintegrative and d) widespread development. Affects
1 to 2/1000 people and is characterized by impaired in: a) social
behavior b) deficit verbal and nonverbal c) restricted interests and
repetitive behaviors, and d) changes in the scope of activities. The
TEA persists lifelong and shows heterogeneity, ranging from mild
personality changes to severe disability. The importance of this
review is to provide a timely diagnosis in order to obtain a more
favorable prognosis for the patient. The sections to treat are the
symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. The relevance of this review is to
provide and update information about ASD, so that it could guide the
reader to fully understand the characteristics of this disease and the
advances that have been developed to take appropriate treatment
and improve the quality of patient’s life.
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