2017, Number 1
The social determinants and its relationship with the major adults
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 60-71
PDF size: 185.28 Kb.
Introduction: in order for the elderly population to have a good quality of life, special attention should be paid to social determinants of health.Objective: identify the social determinants of health influencing the wellbeing of the elderly population.
Methods: a bibliographic review was conducted. The inclusion criteria were the following: social determinants, structural and nonstructural determinants, the psychosocial component, population aging, main health disorders. The review was based on search engines and platforms SciELO, Hinari and Medline. About 97 papers were filtered and 27 scientific journals processed, 79.3% from the last five years.
Data analysis and integration: social determinants related to the elderly population interact with one another and are vitally important for their wellbeing. Health conditions improve when income and hierarchy are higher. Health services are organized in such a way as to meet the needs for dental care. The role of the family is crucial due to the psychosocial support they provide.
Conclusions: social determinants are paramount to the health of the elderly population, and very useful in the context of general and dental health care to design intersectoral interventions aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly population.
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