2017, Number 3
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Rev Biomed 2017; 28 (3)
Participatory research on child's as a tool in the health promotion for the prevention of chagas disease in Yucatán, México
Polanco-Rodríguez AG, Ruiz-Piña HA, Puerto FI
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 123-135
PDF size: 500.51 Kb.
Introduction. Participatory Research (PR) is
a tool that can be approached for the analysis
of sociocultural, environmental, and public
health processes. The participation of schoolage
childrens in the appropriation of knowledge
for the prevention of Chagas’ Disease (CD) can
break the cycle of transmission. CD is a public
health problem that mainly affects rural endemic
communities of developing countries.
Objective. To develop a strategy for the
acquisition and transfer of new knowledge in
childs, due to the lack of information about the
transmission cycle of the EC.
Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional study
was carried out with a group of 48 childrens from
a community in extreme poverty in Yucatan,
Mexico. Through PR tools and with the support of
parents, ejidal and school authorities, educational
workshops were given to children of the basic
education to know the cycle of transmission,
and to prevent CD due to the abundance of the
vector in the study area. A program called “Small
Investigators” was implemented to initiate
processes of appropriation and socialization of
knowledge in the community.
Results. The new knowledge acquired by the group
of children was used and disseminated to their
families, partners, and social circles, promoting
the prevention of the disease. 182 triatomas were
collected at home and peri domicile.
Conclusions. The new knowledge, attitudes
and practices acquired by children under
participation schemes is beneficial for the
prevention of the Chagas Disease. The official
sector is recommended to design the promotion
health programs in children under the scheme of
the present study in developing countries.
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