2017, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2017; 31 (1)
Assessment of an educational platform at the University of Concepción, Chile
Nass KLS, Mendoza VMA, Millanao CLE, Ortega CRM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 99-113
PDF size: 298.43 Kb.
Introduction: An educational platform was created in a preclinical subject of the
dental surgery major of the University of Concepción, in order to innovate the
teaching methods and to promote a more fluid transfer of practical skills to the
Objective: To assess how students perceive the application of innovation in
information and communication technologies.
Methods: A Web application was implemented using a Moodle-like platform, which
provides a blended learning environment with easy-to-read material, strengthened
with audio, image, animated and video files.
Results: The students interact in forums, tutorials and chats, generating a
collaborative learning environment and obtaining, as a result, a platform that
transcends a mere repository of written material or theoretical information.
Conclusions: The implementation of the platform favors the student significant
learning as he or she is directly involved in the process, integrating knowledge, with
autonomous work capacity, and optimizing time.
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