2017, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2017; 23 (2)
Intimate carotid thickness and its relation with cardiovascular risk factors in the population of the municipality Plaza de la Revolution
Jerez CAM, Echevarría PS, Guevara MG, Aleaga CE, González TA
Language: Spanish
References: 52
PDF size: 305.54 Kb.
Non-compacted ventricular myocardiopathy (MVNC), currently considered a mitochondriopathy, is associated, in most cases, with inherited cardiac or skeletal muscle disease or with chromosomal abnormalities. Depending on the study, more than two-thirds of patients with MVNC also have a neuromuscular disease (NMS). A causal relationship between NMS and MVNC is likely, although the exact relationship and pathogenetic association remain elusive.
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