2017, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2017; 23 (2)
Índice de CHARLSON como predictor de supervivencia tras un síndrome coronario agudo
Chacón BEB, Mengana LO, Rodríguez MDF, Arjona RI, Leal BE, Cabrera RI
Language: Spanish
References: 24
PDF size: 436.70 Kb.
Introduction: Acute Coronary Syndrome is a medical emergency, encompassing relevant health problems. Due to its age of onset, it is usually associated with other entities that affect its diagnosis and treatment.
Objective: To determine the utility of the Charlson index to predict survival at 1 year follow-up after hospitalization of a patient with acute coronary syndrome admitted to the Cardiology Department of the General Hospital "General Calixto García Íñiguez" from January 1, 2012 Until 31 December 2012.
Methodological design: A cohort study was performed: observational, analytical, longitudinal, prospective. We studied 93 patients who entered with acute coronary syndrome. The Charlson index was used. For the statistical analysis, the Kaplan-Meier method and log rank test ("logrank") were used.
Results: People aged between 60 and 69 years of age predominated, as did males, accounting for 34.4% and 74.2%, respectively. Overall survival at one year of follow-up was 67.7%, being higher in patients with less than 3 points because they had a survival rate of 74.6%.
Conclusions: We found that comorbidity present at the time of admission is associated with an increase in the incidence of mortality and / or reinfarction at the year of follow-up after hospital discharge, showing that patients with a score of less 3 points are higher Probability of developing favorably than those quantified with a higher score.
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