2016, Number Esp
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2016; 24 (Esp)
Psychoeducational group in palliative care for cardiac patient and his family
Vega HS, López MGE, Rodríguez DSJ, Serna GM, López JAM, Fernández OY
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 24-27
PDF size: 167.50 Kb.
This article aims to share the experience of the Comprehensive Care Unit (CCU) with the formation of groups that are given psychoeducational care, as part of the palliative care offered by the National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez. In direct care with terminally ill patients and their families, situations that directly affect their quality of life were identified, that is why a program was designed to carry out a psychoeducational intervention with a bio-psycho-social approach through a team of transdisciplinary health, with the main objective of expanding the repertoire for coping with the patient and the main caregiver through orientation regarding the illness, symptoms and specific palliative care that can be done at home. This program has the policies, rules and guidelines of operation that considers the current context of terminally ill patients and their family. Important aspects observed after psychoeducation are highlighted such as identification of adaptive behaviors, expansion of coping repertoire, reduction of visits to the emergency services and number of hospitalizations.
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