2017, Number S1
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (S1)
Smoking behavior among third year dental students in Latin American countries: prevalence, perceptions, and risk factors
Tamí-Maury I, Silva-Vetri MG, Marcano-Caldera M, Baasch A, Prokhorov AV
Language: English
References: 52
Page: S45-S53
PDF size: 268.85 Kb.
Objective. To examine the association between tobaccorelated
risk factors and smoking among third-year dental
students in Latin American countries. Materials and
methods. Logistic regression models were used to analyze
Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) data.
Results. Of 5 605 respondents, 33% smoked and 45%
had been exposed to secondhand smoke during the previous
month, 34% smoked in school buildings during the past
year, and 85% had never received formal training in smoking
cessation. Smoking was significantly associated with male
sex; Bolivian, Chilean, or Mexican nationality; exposure to
secondhand smoke; lacking self-perception of being a “role
model” for patients; and not believing that health professionals
who smoke are less likely to advise patients to quit
smoking. Conclusions. All dental schools should encourage
tobacco-free policies and offer cessation services. Cessation
training must be incorporated into dental curricula to include
dental professionals in the battle against the tobacco epidemic.
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