2017, Number S1
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (S1)
Monitoring Caribbean tobacco use: baseline adolescent smoking prevalence and regional disparities
Hambleton IR, Jeyaseelan SM, Howitt C, Hennis AJ
Language: English
References: 23
Page: S12-S21
PDF size: 295.37 Kb.
Objective. To provide baseline information on tobacco use
among adolescents in the Caribbean for the period before
country-level implementation of the Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC). Materials and
methods. Using Global Youth Tobacco Surveys (GYTS)
between 2000 and 2008, we report baseline prevalence, 5-year
change, and disparities in tobacco use (ever smoked, currently
smoke) among adolescents. Results. The Caribbean prevalence
of ever-smoked fell from 33.3 to 29.0% with nine of
14 countries reporting a 5-year decrease, and the prevalence
of current smokers fell from 12.1 to 11.7% with eight of 14
countries reporting a 5-year decrease. Between-country
disparities in the prevalence of ever smoked decreased, while
between-country disparities in currently smoked saw little
change. Conclusions. This regional summary of tobacco
use provides baseline estimates of adolescent smoking, and
cross-country smoking disparities for the period before
MPOWER implementation. Subsequent GYTS survey rounds
can be used to monitor program success.
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