2017, Number 1
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RCAN 2017; 27 (1)
On the biochemical markers of atherosclerotic damage
García SN
Language: Spanish
References: 181
Page: 189-210
PDF size: 447.34 Kb.
Atherosclerosis is the anatomo-pathological
substrate of cardio- and cerebrovascular
diseases representing today an important cause
of mortality, disability and invalidity worldwide.
Atheromatous plaque is the key element of
arterial aging. Clinically stable subjects in
whom vascular risk factors concur, or even those
asymptomatic, might exhibit vulnerable plaques
prone to fracture, thrombosis and occlusion.
Biomarkers of atherosclerosis have been
proposed in order to describe changes that might
occur in an atheromatous plaque termed as
“vulnerable”, and thus, to open a window of
opportunity for the secondary prophylaxis of
vascular disease. Such markers comprise
molecules involved in oxidative stress and
prothrombotic events. In addition, products of
non-enzymatic glycation, proteins released after
myocardial necrosis, and signals of
neurohormonal activation have been also
examined. As the kidney might mirror the
extension and severity of atherosclerotic
damage, markers used traditionally for assessing
renal damage have been now incorporated into
the detection of atherosclerotic risk. Behavior of
these biomarkers of atherosclerosis has been
documented in several subpopulations, and
associations they sustain with factors promoting
atherosclerotic damage have been studied.
Further research should be aimed to establish
the capability of the biomarker to respond to the
installed therapy, and if this change might be
translated to a reduction in the cardiovascular
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