Language: Spanish
References: 89
Page: 112-130
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Rationale: Adequate feeding of children under
two years of age is essential for child survival
and fostering of healthy growth and
development. An optimal nutrition during this
life cycle reduces child´s morbidity and mortality
as well as the onset of non-communicable
chronic diseases at later ages.
Objective: To assess the feeding practices conducted on
children under two years of age living without restrictions in the community of San Cristóbal (Artemisa, Cuba).
Study design: Descriptive, cross-sectional.
Study serie: One hundred and fifty children of either sex, with ages ranging from 0 to 23 months and 29 days, assisted ambulatorily at 13 sanitary posts belonging to the “Camilo Cienfuegos” Community Teaching
Policlinic (San Cristóbal, Artemisa), between November 2014 and March 2015.
Material and method: The questionnaire used in the “Estudio
Nacional sobre Hábitos y Prácticas Alimentarias de los lactantes y niños pequeños” (Cuba, 2008) was administered. Globally defined indicators
for asssessing feeding practices of children under two years of age were estimated.
Results: Exclusive breastfeeding prevalence up to the
sixth month of life was 27.3%. This figure increased up to 34.5% when exclusive breastfeeding was conducted along with supply
of vitamins, minerals, and oral rehydration salts.
Eighty-eight percent of the children was breastfed during the first hour of life. In 30.9% of the children under 5 months of life
breastfeeding along with artificial lactation
prevailed. Continued breastfeeding at one and
two years of age was 25.0% and 11.0%,
respectively. In 54.6% of children under 6
months of life a food staple (including artificial
milk) was introduced the optimal age for it.
Seventy-one point six percent of children with
ages ranging from 6 months to 23 months and 29
days was fed with the help of a bottle. Cereals
and fruits (64.2% of children included in age
group), meats, egg and legumes (77.3%), milk
(77.9%), and oils and fats (81.1%) were
consumed 6 – 7 times a week by more than 60%
of surveyed children. On the other hand, fruits
(49.5%), vegetables (30.5%), and sugars and
sweets (53.7%) were not consumed by children
in these ages.
Conclusions: Low prevalence of
exclusive breastfeeding up until the six month of
life was found. Complementary feeding of
children with ages between 6 months and 23
months and 29 days is inadequately conducted,
monotonous, and also (and most likely)
nutritionally insufficient.
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