2017, Number 2
Cytological study in the diagnosis of breast tumor lesions
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 66-72
PDF size: 289.26 Kb.
Basis: Fine needle aspiration cytology is a very useful procedure in the diagnosis of breast tumors. Objective: To characterize the results of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of breast tumor lesions. Material and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at the Provincial Hospital of Oncology «María Curie» in Camagüey during the triennium 2013-2015. The universe and the sample were constituted by 967 women who were diagnosed, through aspiration cytology, with lesions negative and positive of malignancy. The data were obtained from the registry of cytology from the Department of Anatomic Pathology of the institution and clinical records. Results: Benign lesions were those with the highest incidence; the most affected ages were between 31 and 40 years, represented primarily by the fibrocystic condition. Breast cancer had a higher percent in women over 60 years; the most relevant was invasive ductal carcinoma. The cellular changes in the benign lesions were the presence of clean bottoms, uniform nucleus, absence of prominent nucleolus of mitosis and necrosis. Increased cellularity, absence of myoepithelial cells, low cohesion with mitosis and necrosis were observed in more than half of the samples positive of malignancy. Conclusions: A greater percentage of benign tumor lesions were diagnosed through fine needle aspiration cytology; breast cancer had a lower incidence. In the greater percent of the positive diagnoses, evident signs of malignancy were observed.REFERENCES
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