2017, Number 3
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Mul Med 2017; 21 (3)
Ozone therapy in subprosthesis stomatitis, 2016
Milanés SY, Téllez VYL, Velázquez ZRM, Ramírez TM
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 241-260
PDF size: 292.03 Kb.
An experimental study was conducted: phase III clinical trial, open, sequential and controlled; To 202 patients with dental prosthesis who came to the odontology service at Bayamo Oeste Polyclinic, Granma, April 2015 - December 2016, with grade I or II substomatitis, with the objective of determining the efficacy of ozone therapy in subprosthesis stomatitis. Primary information was obtained through individual clinical records, observation and clinical examination. A data collection form was prepared, the results were presented in tables, and the percentage was used as a summary measure. The result was: 67.33 % of the patients were affected by stomatitis grade II subprosthesis, 60-69 years was the most affected age group (41.09 %). The female sex represented 79.21 %; 63.86 % of the patients resolved with less than 10 applications. The 57.43 % cured in the time of 2-7 days. Only 2 patients reported having heat and burning on one occasion. The subprosthesis stomatitis affects more female sex and the age group 60-69 years, was more frequent the degree II. The majority of patients resolved with 5 to 10 applications in a period of 11 to 14 days. Ozone therapy produces very few adverse effects.
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