2017, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2017; 9 (1)
Anterior choroidal artery infarction. Case report
Santos MÁM, Guevara EY, Calas EV, Radamés CR, Cutis VL, Carballosa ÁI
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 143-151
PDF size: 266.46 Kb.
The infarction of anterior choroidal artery is less common stroke. There was a greath eterogeneity in clinical presentation. There is controversy in the clinical and etiological presentation of the infarction of anterior choroidal artery. The most common symptoms are : hemiparesis, hemihipoestesia, and the prevalent etiology is the atheromatosis of large arteries. To describe clinical, etiopathogenical and terapeuty characteristics of patients with infaction of this vascular territory.
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