2017, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2017; 38 (4)
Neurological risk in children of moderate neonatal risk
Vericat A, Orden AB
Language: Spanish
References: 69
Page: 255-266
PDF size: 428.95 Kb.
Introduction: Moderate-risk neonates (MRN) may have subtle
neurodevelopmental disorders, which can be evident in the medium
and long term. That is why they are considered children with neurological
risk. Identifying risk factors associated with neurodevelopmental
disorders is a first step in preventing or reducing their effects.
Objetive: To describe the characteristics of a group of newborns
collectively referred to as moderate-risk neonates, who at birth do not
show neurodevelopmental disorders, and to investigate the etiological
factors associated with this condition.
Methods: We carried a bibliographic search was performed in the
SciELO, LILACS, Medline and RedALyC databases focused on neurological
risk factors.
Results: Increased prenatal control and the reduction of preterm
and cesarean delivery are important factors for optimal neurodevelopment.
After delivery, newborn care in NICUs is critical, by controlling
pathologies such as hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal sepsis, and respiratory
distress associated with developmental abnormalities in MRN.
Conclusions: Interventions to avoid or reduce neurological risk
in MRN must be established from the beginning of pregnancy and
continued during the NICU stay.
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