2016, Number 4
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RIC 2016; 95 (4)
Educational intervention in young people on benefits of medicine bioenergetics
Franco CA, Portuondo HY, Moreaux HD, Quiala PJE, Guilarte GPE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 541-550
PDF size: 151.56 Kb.
The bioenergetics medicine has a high therapeutic and economic value,
for that are prioritized its study, development and generalization, this
led the investigation in young adults of the south area of the city of
Guantánamo with the objective of elevating their level of knowledge on
the use of the bioenergetics medicine. An educational intervention was
carried out applying the instruments of structured interview and level of
knowledge before and after the intervention. Sex, age, scholarly,
occupation, civil state was analyzed; the same survey was applied to the
beginning and at the end of the educational intervention in order to
evaluate the effectiveness. The discoveries of the study have
demonstrated that it decreased the insufficient knowledge about the
bioenergetics medicine. The results should be generalized in order to
diminish breaches of knowledge in this field.
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