2016, Number 4
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RIC 2016; 95 (4)
Sexual rights in young adults
Moreaux HD, Portuondo HY, Franco CA, Quiala PJE, Guilarte GPE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 532-540
PDF size: 160.70 Kb.
A quasi-experimental research was conducted in the southern area of
the city of Guantanamo in the period January- December 2014, with the
aim of raising the level of knowledge of 30 young adults about sexual
rights. Interview as instruments and level of knowledge about sexual
rights were applied before and after surgery, sex, age, education,
occupation, marital status was analyzed, too; the same survey was conducted before and after the educational intervention to evaluate
effectiveness. Insufficient knowledge about sexual rights with
appropriate educational intervention was reduced. The results should be
generalized to reduce knowledge gaps in this field.
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