2005, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2005; 16 (1)
The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Yucatan, Mexico: an investigative based approach (1985-2004).
Góngora-Biachi RA, Castro-Sansores CJ, Valadez-González N, González-Martínez P, Pavía-Ruz N, Ligia-Vera-Gamboa, Lara-Perera D, Moguel-Rodríguez W, Alonzo-Salomón LG, Vivas-Rosel M
Language: Spanish
References: 68
Page: 29-45
PDF size: 87.54 Kb.
We report the HIV/AIDS scenery supported by biomedical research in Yucatan, Mexico, from 1985 to 2004.The first epidemiological studies carried out in Yucatan, Mexico, defined the impact of HIV infection in people with risk practices. From September 1985 to October 1986, we found antibodies against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-Ab) in 15/16 (24.6%) homosexual men. In another epidemiological study from February to August 1986 in Merida, Yucatan, we found evidence of infection in 1 of 112 (0.8%) female sexworkers. Furthurmore, from 1987 to 1992 HIV-Ab were also detected in 2/543 non intravenous drug using female sexworkers (prevalence of 0.36%) from Merida city and two rural areas. However, in contrast to the previous study, two studies carried out in 1989 and 1990, demonstrated that the retrovirus prevalent in this group of women was the HTLV-II, with a prevalence of 1.8% to 3.6%, that means, 10 times more than HIV-1. A sentinel study from January 1989 to July 1990 among 26,865 voluntary and familiar blood donors found, a prevalence of HIV-1 infection of 0.09% (23/26,865), in contrast to HTLV with a prevalence of 0.33% (6/1,821) (p=0.005). The reported prevalence for HIV-1 during 1997 by the Centro Estatal de la Transfusión Sanguínea was 0.15%. Between January 1992 and May 1993, 140 patients with multiple blood transfusions were analized and no evidence of infection by either of these retroviruses was found. In another sentinel study from September 1989 to May 1990 with 798 female volunteers at a family planning clinic, three women were found with evidence of HIV-Ab (0.37%), in all three cases there were antecedents of bisexual behaviour of the partner. Merida continues to be the epicenter of the AIDS epidemic in Yucatan. The urban areas within the state have had an increase in AIDS cases similar to that of the municipality of Merida since 1988. However, the incidence of AIDS in the urban areas has been similar between 1988-92 and 1993-2004. The impact of the epidemic in young people and women with bisexual partners is another feature of the AIDS epidemic in Yucatan. Until now there have no been reports of a HIV-2 carriers. Studies on the secuence of the gp41 and phylogenetic analysis of 13 specimens of HIV-1 have only identified the subtype B as predominant within the region. The epidemiological pattern of HIV transmisson was type I from the WHO and the predominant clinical pattern before the HAART era was the African type (wasting syndrome,
Penumocystis carinii and a low frequency of lymphoma). Clinical reports of other conditions and the search for people with mutation of CCR5, who conferred resistance to HIV infection, were decribed.
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