2017, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2017; 21 (3)
Update on prostate cancer
Ruiz LAI, Pérez MJC, Cruz BY, González LLE
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 876-887
PDF size: 407.91 Kb.
Prostate cancer is a hormone-dependent neoplasm of significant heterogeneity. Clinical behavior, response to treatments and survival vary depending on each patient. More than 95% of prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas, variants that cannot be, are divided into two groups based on their cellular origin: epithelial and non-epithelial.
Epithelial variants are more differentiated and biologically less aggressive, whereas non-epithelial variants have a very invading behavior. Its treatment is oriented to the relief of the symptomatology, the control of its expansion and to increase the probabilities of cure.
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