2017, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2017; 21 (3)
Clinical and immunogenic response of Heberón treatment in patients with basal cell carcinoma, Mario Gutiérrez Ardaya Polyclinic
Pérez LE, Brizuela NMY, Ortíz LJM
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 834-857
PDF size: 698.98 Kb.
Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma is the most frequent skin neoplasm in white patients; Human recombinant interferon alpha 2b is a drug modifying the biological response currently used in the treatment of this disease.
Objective: To determine the clinical and immunogenic response of the Heberon in basal cell carcinoma.
Method: A therapeutic use trial involving 18 patients with the histological diagnosis of basothelioma was performed. The intervention consisted of the perilesional application of nine doses of the drug Heberón for a period of three weeks, followed by a biopsy for evolutionary puncture At 13 weeks after the treatment.
Results: At the conclusion of the treatment, 84.61% of the patients achieved the total disappearance of the lesion by clinical, dermatoscopic and histological criteria; 15.38% achieved a partial response, the quality of the healing was good and at one year of follow up the patients cured showed no recurrence of the tumor lesion. An advantage of this modality of treatment was the favorable clinical evolution of neoplastic and preneoplastic lesions at a distance. The most frequent adverse events observed with Heberón's use were fever 72.22%, chills 55.55%, edema and erythema 50.00%, myalgias 44.44%, arthralgia, pain at the injection site 33.33% And malaise 27,77% classified as mild and moderate according to their severity, as well as very probable according to their causality. Only 29.41% of the patients had anti-interferon antibodies.
Conclusions: Heberón is an effective, safe drug for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma with the use of this therapy may appear immunogenicity.
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