2017, Number 3
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Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2017; 71 (3)
Neck circumference and its relation to overweight in infants
Figueroa-Sosa ECh, García-Rojas E, Oropeza-Priego S, Castillo-Gamboa RC, Chan-Rojas AG, Arévalo-Campos JF, Puleo-Puleo D, Alcaraz-Garrido JD, Aguilar-Mariscal H
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 248-257
PDF size: 241.54 Kb.
Background: Overweight and obesity in children are typically
diagnosed using the body mass index (BMI), where the alarming figures
are continuously work to resolve.
Objective: Determine the increase in neck circumference and its
association with increased body mass index school from six to 12
years in Tabasco, Mexico.
Material and methods: An observational, analytical, transversal
and prospective implementing neck circumference for nutritional assessment
in a population of primary school Francisco Gálvez Gálvez
in Macuspana, Tabasco, Mexico in October 2015, through a non
probabilistic convenience sampling was performed. both sexes, with
Mexican nationality, which will have included approval of the tutor.
Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23® program, using the Student
t test, accepting an association of variables with p ≤ 0.05.
Results: They measure 248 schools, 128 were male (52%) and
120 female (48%) were performed. The circumference of the neck
overweight group was 30.9 ± 2.82 cm of finding significant increase
in this population compared with suitable 27.63 ± 2.33 weight cm
(p = 0.000).
Conclusions: Overweight in school tend to show increased neck
circumference compared to those with normal weight.
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